White River Christian Camp 2024
August 2 through 9
He Makes All Things New
Behold, I am Making All Things New! Revelations 21:5

For 138 years, White River Camp has been a place where people come to meet God; one week that is set apart to seek His face, find His will, and worship His glory!
The plateau of land that the campgrounds sits on is small in size, about 5 acres, and some of its buildings retain their early 1900’s character. Not large or fancy, White River has never been about “creature comforts.” It has always been about seeking the Presence of the Living God. It was true then as it is now — we come together with an air of expectancy; with anticipation that God will encamp with us on this holy ground.
Time passes, culture changes, generations come and go, but God remains true! His promise to make all things new is one that brings hope and purpose for those that seek Him. It is from this promise that I know White River Camp meeting will be a time of renewal. God has been faithfully meeting those who long to encounter Him here since 1887. White River Camp is a place of strong worship, Biblically sound teaching, and authoritative preaching from the Word of God.
2025 White River Camp meeting is sure to continue the strong traditions of the past with a fresh anointing from God for the future. His mercies are new every morning, bringing a hope and expectancy of extravagant love from His throne. ~ Greg Cushman, President
Photo Credit: Craig Reynolds

Evangelical Retreat Center
White River Christian Camp is an evangelical retreat center with Advent Christian heritage since 1887. The camp is available for rent throughout the year (except for the winter months) and is the site of our annual White River Camp Meeting which is conducted the first week of August every year.
For information on rentals please visit our Accommodations page.
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